
✅ Article By Anne-Marie Pearman & Reviewed By Zeynep Topcu

Robbery can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities. Everyone must be vigilant and take preventative measures to minimize the risk of robberies and promote safety in society.

By being proactive, following security measures, and cooperating with the police, we can reduce the risk of robberies and contribute to safer communities.

Tips To Prevent Robbery

Here are some helpful tips and advice on how to prevent robbery:

For Shop Owners And Employees:

  1. Visible Security Practices: Good visual security practices can deter potential criminals. Consider the following:
    • Keep working cash to a minimum.
    • Use cash management systems and safes.
    • Keep working cash out of sight.
    • Ensure all doors, cabinets, and safes are closed and secured with keys removed.
    • Conceal keys.
  2. ATM Replenishment: If you handle ATM replenishment, take extra precautions:
    • Vary replenishment times when possible.
    • Replenish cash when your business is closed, especially during the night.
    • Ensure your actions are not visible to bystanders.
  3. Report Suspicious Activity: Whenever you notice any suspicious activity around your business, do not approach the individuals involved. Instead, take the following steps:
    • Note down car makes, colours, registrations, and descriptions.
    • Immediately call the police at 999.

Advice & Support For During And After An Armed Robbery

It's crucial to know how to react during and after an armed robbery to assist the police in identifying and apprehending the criminals:

During a hold-up:

  • If a bandit alarm is available, activate it safely.
  • Activate security cameras if it's safe to do so.
  • Follow the robber's instructions without taking unreasonable risks.
  • Avoid sudden or unexpected movements.
  • If you have a smoke pack, include it with the handed-over money.
  • Mentally note the criminal's appearance and possible evidence like fingerprints, shoe impressions, or clothing items.

After a hold-up:

  • Stay calm.
  • Lock the premises' doors.
  • Safely observe the getaway.
  • Call the police and provide them with the necessary information, including branch details, injuries, criminals' description, vehicles used, and direction of escape.
  • Keep the telephone line free until the police arrive.
  • Ask customers to remain on the premises as essential witnesses.

Steps to take before police investigation:

Preserving the crime scene is crucial for a successful police investigation:

  1. Close the premises immediately.
  2. The first police officer on the scene may set up a cordon, preserve parking areas, and establish a common approach path.
  3. Preserve all floor surfaces for potential footwear marks.
  4. Keep staff away from the crime scene to avoid unintentional destruction of evidence.

For further advice on robbery prevention or improving your premises' security, please visit your local police department's website, where you can find valuable information and resources. © 2023. All rights reserved.